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Author Archives: Don Huber

Dwelling Fire- Delaware Valley Trailer Park

Friday June 19th 2020 11:00am


Engine 32-1 was dispatched to assist the Falls Township Fire Company on tactical box 30-34 for a reported dwelling fire at the Delaware Valley Trailer Park along Old Bristol Pike. Chief 30 went on location with fire coming from the front door. No injuries were reported and fire was placed under control within 30 minutes.

Assisting Companies: R31, E98, R13

Shed Fire- Lakeside Drive

Saturday June 13th 2020 04:01am


Shortly after 04:00, Engine 32 and 32-1 were dispatched to assist the Tullytown Fire Company on tactical box 33-05 for a dwelling fire on the 400 block of Lakeside Drive. Assistant 32 went on scene with a detached shed/pool house fully involved with exposures to adjacent sheds and houses. Engine 32-1 arrived first and established a water supply and went in service with an 1 3/4 attack line. Engine 32 arrived shortly after and pulled a 2nd attack line. Fire was place with 30 minutes with no injures reported.

Assisting Companies: Edgely Fire Co. (Sta. 10), Falls Twp. (Sta. 30) and Levittown Fire Company No. 2 (Sta. 13)